The Ministry of Economic Development put $200,000 into the event, and sponsors and ticket sales also contributed. While the immediate economic benefits are unclear, those involved say the long-term prospects are promising.
The Christchurch City Council, as chief organiser, had to file a report on the event within 90 days, a ministry spokeswoman said. Award-winning Waipara winegrower Nicholas Brown said any international exposure of Canterbury's wine industry would be good news.
"These types of events are a great way of spreading the word, meeting people, sharing ideas and helping the industry grow," he said.
The Canterbury event was secured after several South Island councils paid the annual $35,000 membership fee.
Canterbury's involvement attracted controversy last year when Christchurch City councillor Sue Wells took a $3000 ratepayer-funded flight to France to sign up the South Island as a Great Wine Capital of the world.
Christchurch-South Island is the newest member of the network. Wells said yesterday the event was a great chance to showcase Christchurch and the South Island.
"Our inclusion in this prestigious wine network provides access to eight other significant economies that are interested in wine science, wine tourism and wine in general – and we want to take full advantage of this."
Three United States wine writers, two from Britain and one each from South Korea, India and China will report on the event. Christchurch and the Waipara wine region will host most of the activities. The event will start on Sunday with a sightseeing tour in the afternoon before a welcome ceremony and dinner.
The conference will open on Monday with a mayoral reception to be held at the Christchurch Art Gallery.
Tours to the South Island's wine regions will be held on Tuesday, with visits to Canterbury, Waipara, Central Otago, Marlborough and Nelson planned. Symposiums on international wine research and international business will be held during the week. The public can sample wines at the Christchurch Town Hall next Wednesday night.